Our Services
We have multiple partnerships with world leading cannabis and hemp operators around the world. If your team would like to work with us contact us at your earliest convenience we can make your dreams come true.
We believe in what we do and that’s why we’re committed to helping more people every day. Our team can help you navigate through the cannabis industry, We offer offtake agreements to fully licensed cannabis/hemp operators and we can also offer one of our many full main operators licenses to help you start cultivating cannabis/hemp in Lesotho, Southern Africa.
We have multiple investment opportunities we'd like to offer interested parties from medicinal and recreational cannabis to industrial hemp, All the businesses are fully legal. Contact us at your earliest convenience to join and embark with us on our Journey.
More Info
If there's anything else you would like to learn more about or work on with us including any services you would require from us don't be afraid to call/email us .